FAVERO, Marcos; AGUIAR, Monica. Catedral de Brasília. Forma-estrutura atectônica e experiência empática. Arquitextos, São Paulo, ano 21, n. 245.00, Vitruvius, out. 2020
AUTHORS: Marcos Favero e Mônica Aguiar.
LINK: https://docomomobrasil.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/110543.pdf
The purpose in this essay is the discussion about the Brasília Cathedral project and construction,
more specifically concerning its nave´s dome, having the structure-form concept as its tenet, in order
to characterize the expressive fusion and condensation of the building´s form and structure in a single
essence. Concept that was formulated having architectural and structural engineering theoretical
foundations considered from a transdiciplinary perspective in addition to the intrinsic relation that
engages both disciplines in the project and construction context. It´s a discussion substantiated by
Eduard Franz Sekler´s (1695,1967) and Kenneth Frampton´s (1995) propositions about tectonics and
construction as an intention to deepen the analysis on tectonic expression, that can also be perceived
as empathetic experience. Discussion that counts, more specifically, with a series of remarks made by
Joaquim Cardozo that, along with Adrian Forty, Sophia Telles, Edson Mahfuz and Miguel Wisnik have
contributed to circumscribe the object at stake. As of this contour, the intention here is to emphasize
the relation between architecture and structural engineering that crosses Modern Architecture in Brazil
and that, from our point of view, has been neglected in its historiography and, consequently, in its