

The extension activities of the Department of Architecture and Urbanism are guided by the principles of the Vice-Rectory of Extension and Pedagogical Strategy of PUC-Rio. These principles are anchored in the University’s Reference Framework, particularly in the premise of the inseparability of teaching, research, and extension. They promote spaces of interaction with society that enhance critical expression, the development of autonomy, civic formation, and the construction of community bonds. Extension at PUC-Rio serves humanity, committed to promoting everyone through an interdisciplinary dialogue responsible for overcoming the social, economic, political, and cultural challenges of the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and the world.” (Source: [PUC-Rio Extension](https://www.puc-rio.br/sobrepuc/admin/vreep/)).

In Graduate Studies

The conceptual field underpinning the academic activities of PPGArq includes studies and reflections on the theory and practice of design in a multi-scalar and interdisciplinary manner.

The convergence between theory and practice assumes: (i) an openness to contemporary phenomena; (ii) a commitment to exploring concepts, methods, and operational tools to address these phenomena. This openness to contemporary praxis implies a dialogical knowledge that seeks to reflect and build debates on current local, national, and global issues in the field of architecture and urbanism, relating them to social and environmental demands. This also implies a continuous dialogue between PPGArq and various segments of civil society, expanding research and including extension activities as a crucial element of action and praxis.

PPGArq understands that the dilemmas and impasses of contemporary times regarding the built environment sustain the convergence of its two research lines.

The component of social insertion and themes related to the urban context is increasingly present in PPGArq’s actions, whether in teaching, research, or extension. This includes research on topics such as informal settlements, social housing, community participation, socio-environmental risk and vulnerability, landscape and ecology, black territorialities, and insurgent cartographies, among others.

The program stands out for its social engagement and reflective perspective, with research and extension work in areas of social and environmental vulnerability, aligned with PUC-Rio’s social commitment. It includes extension activities by faculty and students, with engagement from local communities, groups, NGOs, public managers, and a strong interface with research and teaching.