Student Affairs

The ARCO Lab is a teaching space belonging to the Department of Architecture and Urbanism at PUC-Rio, exclusively for its students, and dedicated to the experimentation and execution of curricular projects.

Our space includes laser cutting, CNC router, digital fabrication, and experimental woodworking. To use the ARCO Lab, it is strongly recommended to be aware of the safety and operational regulations of the space.

Safety and operational regulations: Click here!


All leftover materials are designated for the reuse rack. If you brought your own material, take it with you when you leave. It is the student’s responsibility to store the work produced. The ARCO Lab does not provide containers, bags, or boxes, nor space to store models or prototypes.

Laser Cutting

To use the laser cutting machine, it is necessary to send files via email to The work will go through a screening process and, if it complies with the rules stated in the manual, it will be placed on a waiting list. Before submitting your file, check the waiting list. The minimum production time is 2 to 3 business days. If you think you won't have enough time, it's better not to risk it! Manual for laser cutting: Click here! Note: A student's work that is already on the waiting list cannot be modified or replaced. A new procedure must be done, and it will be placed at the end of the queue.


Router refers to the well-known routers, which are used to perform woodworking with specific tools. CNC, acronym for Computer Numeric Control, is a list of numerical codes that allows the control of simultaneous axes of the router. Basically, a CNC Router is a machine controlled by a computer, mainly used for working with wood, plastics, non-ferrous metals, foams, among other materials. It is essential for the student to know software such as Rhinoceros, 3ds Max, SolidWorks, etc., for the production of 3D files, and advanced knowledge of AutoCAD for the production of 2D files. The student must bring the file for evaluation and discuss routine procedures for using the router before starting the fabrication of the piece. The student will only be included in the queue after evaluation. Keep in mind that machining on the CNC Router is a complex and time-consuming process that does not allow errors, so the file must be well-made.