

The need to review the car culture in the city of Rio de Janeiro was the subject of the round table "Mobility and Accessibility", at the 2nd Meeting of CAU/RJ with the Society, held on Wednesday (10/30), at the Federation of Industries of Rio de Janeiro, in Downtown Rio

Ricardo Esteves , Professor of Architecture and Urbanism at PUC-RJ, spoke about the urgent need to change the parameters of mobility in Rio, with the goal of overcoming what he called "car-ego" - a culture of status that encourages people to move around with their cars in places of great movement, generating low occupancy rates (about two passengers per car on average) that make traffic truly chaotic and increasing the number of accidents .

"The current model has reached the saturation state. We need to establish a policy for urban mobility that gives priority to the movements on foot, to non-motorized vehicles (such as bicycles and tricycles), and public transport to the detriment of the individual. This policy must be submitted to the city's needs, facilitate proximity between work and housing , and finally, to adapt technologies and services to the demands of each region. The city needs to get back to people who were sandwiched in sidewalks becoming smaller, not vehicles", opined.

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