Architecture and
Urbanism Department PUC-Rio

Alder Catunda

Alder Catunda

Professor | Undergraduate Coordinator | Supervisor of ARQ1109

Graduated in Architecture from the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – FAU/UFRJ (1983) and Master in Urbanism from the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – PROURB/FAU/UFRJ (2002). Co-founder of Archi 5 Arquitetos Associados Ltda, Former Coordinator of the Bachelor’s Degree Course in Architecture and Urbanism at Veiga de Almeida University (BAU-UVA), Associate Professor and current Undergraduate Coordinator of the Architecture and Urbanism Course at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (CAU/DAU PUC-Rio).

Professor of the Specialization Course in Architecture for Health in the Postgraduate Program of CCE/DAU PUC Rio. Former Substitute Counselor on the Teaching and Training Committee of the Architecture and Urbanism Council of Rio de Janeiro – CAU/RJ, member of the Jury Board and Substitute Councilor on the Higher Council of the Institute of Architects of Brazil, Rio de Janeiro Department – IAB/RJ. Works in the area of Architecture Design, Urbanism, and Landscape Planning, and research with emphasis on Project Theory, Anthropology of Form and Space, with interest mainly in the following topics: practice, theory, and methodology of architecture, urbanism, and landscaping projects.
