Advisor: Fernando Betim
Dissertation: The daily life of favela Nova Holanda as a reflection for a plural project for Rio de Janeiro
Defense date: 21/06/2017
The research aims to present different representations around the commom
space of Rio de Janeiro, thus discussing the importance of plural points of view on
the city. To highlight this issue, representations of Favela Nova Holanda, a part of
the Mare Favelas Complex, will be used. These representations were made by three
local residents through photographs of local daily life. By crossing the content of
these images, with interviews with photographers and the theoretical framework of
authors such as Henri Lefebvre, among others, the research proposes a discussion
around ways of “making” and thinking the urban space. This approach differs from
the one proposed by an hegemonic logic and responsible for the construction of Rio
de Janeiro as a mega-events stage, in the period between 2009 and 2016. Such logic
contributed to the segregation and the control of spaces not inserted in the desired
conception of the image of Rio de Janeiro as the “Marvelous City”. Contrary to the
homogeneity this logic attempts to impose, diversity is an inherent characteristic of
the urban space. Starting from this scenario, the project intends to discuss the
importance of daily interventions and experiences within the street scale for the
construction of more inclusive and plural city visions / projects. Beginning from
the understanding that representations built on space may have as much importance
in its production as social relations themselves, the research intends to expose the
dynamics of space and the different views of the daily life lived in the city from the
vision of those who live in it.