
Masters Dissertations

Hibridaciones tectónicas, Innovación en la arquitectura latino-americana. Aniálisis de tres casos de estúdio

Autora: Valentina Dávila Urrejola

Advisor: Fernando Betim

Dissertation: Hibridaciones tectónicas, Innovación en la arquitectura latino-americana. Aniálisis de tres casos de estúdio

Defense date: 30/06/2017


This thesis is constructed by the concept of “Tectonic Hybridization” critically analyzing Latin American architecture in the interculturality, from the study of three referential cases. Contrary to the hegemonic pacts of civil construction and the western references of contemporary architecture, in Latin America we have been able to innovate and develop a unique architecture that generates identity in its particular locality. Innovations in the use of materials and techniques generate new expressions that manage to maintain the dialogue with the pre-existence while creating new contemporary architecture in a dialogical process between traditional and modern, rural and urban, local and global, artisan and industrial, cult and popular, overcoming the binary separations to create singular hybridizations analyzed here, according to the optics proposed by the anthropologist Néstor García Canclini as hybridization processes. Also analyzed from tectonics, proposed by architecture critic Kenneth Frampton, concept that values the processes of Transformation and defining in the constructive essence the history of contemporary Latin American architecture.
