
Urbanism Research Labs - U.Lab

The U.Lab brings together teachers and students to carry out research and academic extension courses in architectural projects and urban planning to contribute to the sustainability and resilience of neighborhoods, cities and metropolitan regions, while emphasizing adaptation to climate change.

Coordenador: Maria Fernanda Lemos (PPGArq/DAU/PUC-Rio)
Colaboradores: Luís Madeira (DAU/PUC-Rio e Fiocruz); Izabella Lentino (DAU/PUC-Rio); Cecilia Palacow Herzog (DAU/PUC-Rio); Raquel Tardin (PROURB/FAU/UFRJ); Rachel Coutinho (PROURB/FAU/UFRJ) e Rosângela Cavallazzi (PROURB/FAU/UFRJ e JUR/PUC-Rio)