

In this section it is possible to find detailed and updated information on the courses offered by CAU. Choose the course from the dropdown menu below (with info on responsible faculty, schedule, course location, files for download, galleries, etc.).
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Reverse Atlantis: New Oil Territories in Brazil

This course is dedicated to accommodating different educational activities related to academic exchanges of different natures organized by the program. Its specific content varies according to specific initiatives ranging semiannually or according to specific demands.

This term, this studio proposes to investigate and develop new design and monitoring processes suitable for the acute processes of oil exploration in the new exploration sites fields auctioned in May 2013 by the National Petroleum Agency.

From the Amazon River Mouht, in Amapá, to Rio Grande do Norte, the new oil exploration areas – admittedly a territory marked by complex ecologies and urbanization processes little monitored – constitute both an operational and analytical context that offers the chance of a critical monitoring of their urban and landscape transformations .

In 2016-2 , the studio will work in the area surrounding the Port and Industrial Complex of Pecém, in the Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza, Ceará, one of the most impacted areas by the ANP auction .

for more information or details, please write to: lait@puc-rio.br

Wednesday (1:00PM-5:00PM)

Allen, Smout (2007). Pamphlet Architecture 28 – Augmented Landscapes. New York: Princeton Architectural Press.

Allen, Stan (1999). Points+Lines – Diagrams and Projects for the City. New York: Princeton Architectural Press.

Allen, Stan (2004). Field Conditions. in Quaderns d’Arquitecture I Urbanisme 241, March 2004. Barcelona: Col.legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya.

Amin, Ash; Thrift, Nigel (2002). Cities: Reimagining the Urban. London, Polity Press.

Bhatia, Neeraj; Przybylki, Maya; Shepard, Lola; White, Mason (2011). Pamphlet Architecture 30 – Coupling: Strategies for Insfrastructural Opportunism. New York: Princeton Architectural Press.

Exposition Catalogue (2000). Dynamic City. Brussels: Skira Editore / Centre International pour la Ville, l’Architecure et la Paysage (CIVA).

Garcia, Fernando Cacciatore (2012). Fronteira Iluminada: História do Povoamento, Conquista e Limites do Rio Grande do Sul a Partir do Tratado de Tordesilhas 1420-1920. Porto Alegre: Editora Sulina.

Graham, Stephen; Marvin, Simon (2001). Splintering Urbanism – Networked
Infrastructures, Technological Mobilities and the Urban Condition. London: Routledge.

Hauck, Thomas; Keller, Regine; Kleinkort, Volker (2011). Infrastructural Urbanism. Berlim: DOM Pubishers.

Jackson, John Brinckerhoff (1994). A Sense of Place, A Sense of Time. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Lejeune, Jean-François (ed.) (2003). Cruelty and Utopia: Cities and Landscapes in Latin America. New York: Princeton Architectural Press.

Lerup, Lars (2000). After the City. Cambridge: MIT Press.

Pope, Albert (1996). Ladders. Houston: Rice University School of Architecture.

Secchi, Bernardo (2004). Orographie de la Città Diffusa. in Techniques et Architecture, no. 474. Paris: Éditions Jean-Michel Place.

Shannon, Kelly; Smets, Marcel (2010). The Landscape of Contemporary Infrastructure. Rotterdam: NAi Publishers.