

In this section it is possible to find detailed and updated information on the courses offered by CAU. Choose the course from the dropdown menu below (with info on responsible faculty, schedule, course location, files for download, galleries, etc.).
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Circulation, Mobility and Urban Transportation

Develop notions about the importance of the phenomena related to urban traffic, the viability of the proposed interventions, both architectural and urban, in the formulation of public policy and decisions about investments. Discuss the strategic importance of movement in urban and regional economy, strengthening the participation of transport costs on the viability and efficiency of economic activities and urban administrations. Discuss transportation policies (public) involving the mobility for people and products, and accessibility to various locations of cities and circulation alternatives and their impacts. Present and discuss methodologies for the characterization of these phenomena, problem identification and formulation of diagnoses related to traffic and urban and regional transit. Discuss techniques to meet existing and future demands.

Friday (10:00AM-1:00PM)

ESTEVES, Ricardo (2003) - Cenários Urbanos e Traffic Calming, Tese D.Sc. (Engenharia de Produ-ção), Rio de Janeiro.

GEHL, Jan (2010) - Cities for People, Island Press, London.

JACOBS, Jane (1961) - Morte e Vida de grandes cidades. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2011 (1961).

LAMAS, José Ressano Garcia (1992) - Morfologia Urbana e Desenho da Cidade, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa.

LYNCH, Kevin (1960) - A imagem da cidade. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1997 (1960).

VASCONCELLOS, Eduardo Alcântara de (2012) - Mobilidade Urbana e Cidadania, SENAC Editora, São Paulo.