City, history and architectural memory. From restoration to conservation, preservation and recovery of historical-cultural heritage. Notions of architectural restoration. Refunctionalization and reuse of architectural spaces and underused buildings. Recycling in construction elements. Compatibility of new construction techniques and new materials with traditional techniques and materials. The recovery of historic centers. The Revitalization and Reuse Project addresses spaces of symbolic and historical importance in the city with the possibility of being used for uses appropriate to the present time. Checks the possibility of increasing the value of an area through intervention in a building in poor condition or abandoned. Various programs are studied focusing on the confrontation and integration between historical and contemporary compositional elements. The analysis of the action of time on the architectural object, on its transformation and adaptation to the current reality is carried out with a view to both preservation and renewal.
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The Residential Space II Project focuses on collective residential facilities. Treatment of private (private) spaces aggregated within an architectural complex. Emphasis on residential spaces. The metropolis as densification in spaces. Collective building installations. The Residential Space Project II comprises the study of various types of multi-family residential buildings from modernism to the present. The relationships between the residential building and the city are verified, considering temporal, social and residential aspects, among others. During design practice, issues relating to conceptualization, interference and spatial occupation propositions are addressed and developed through research, participatory and experimental methodologies. The selection of problematic or abandoned areas of the city for housing projects aims to fill urban voids through residential use, create positive interference in the urban fabric and the consequent appreciation of the area as a whole.
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Construction technology for buildings and other types of construction. Preliminary work and installation of works. Location of the work. Execution of foundations. Construction systems. Masonry, concrete, steel and wood structures: materials, equipment and construction processes. Execution of shapes. Execution of building installations. Roofing and waterproofing. Coatings and painting. Thermal and acoustic insulation. Frames, hardware and glassware. Construction planning and control. Quality control techniques. Heavy construction. Prefabrication.
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