Doctor (2010) and Master’s (1999) degrees in Urbanism from PROURB/FAU/UFRJ. Specialist (1996) in Urban and Regional Planning from IPPUR/UFRJ. Professor of urbanism at PUC-Rio, involved in the Master’s in Architecture, the undergraduate program in Architecture and Urbanism, and the Professional Master’s in Urban and Environmental Engineering (PUC-Rio and Technische Universitat Carolo-Wilhelmina Zu Braunschweig). Coordinator of extension activities at the Interdisciplinary Center for Environment (NIMA/PUC-Rio), with experience in interdisciplinary university research and extension projects. Leader of the Urbanism Laboratory (U.Lab) at PUC-Rio. Member of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) as coordinator of the “Central and South America” chapter of AR6 WGII, as well as of the UCCRN (Urban Climate Change Research Network), as a co-author of the “Urban Areas in Coastal Zones” chapter of ARC3-2, and “Equity and Justice” chapter of ARC3-3, and the UCCRN-LA network. Works in the areas of urban planning and design, with emphasis on sustainability, urban resilience, and adaptation of cities to climate change.