City, history and architectural memory. From restoration to conservation, preservation and recovery of historical-cultural heritage. Notions of architectural restoration. Refunctionalization and reuse of architectural spaces and underused buildings. Recycling in construction elements. Compatibility of new construction techniques and new materials with traditional techniques and materials. The recovery of historic centers. The Revitalization and Reuse Project addresses spaces of symbolic and historical importance in the city with the possibility of being used for uses appropriate to the present time. Checks the possibility of increasing the value of an area through intervention in a building in poor condition or abandoned. Various programs are studied focusing on the confrontation and integration between historical and contemporary compositional elements. The analysis of the action of time on the architectural object, on its transformation and adaptation to the current reality is carried out with a view to both preservation and renewal.
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Technological and plastic experimentalism in architecture and the interrelations with continuous social, urban and environmental transformations in different historical periods and different cultures. Human aesthetic nature and Nervi's thesis. The structural and formal phenomenological process inherent to the activity of architectural construction. The industrialization of construction: prefabrication and serial reproducibility. Industry and society. Artificial materials and the methodological process of design and construction. The great engineering works of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The rationalization of materials and construction systems and the interrelationships with the visual arts and society. Serial reproducibility and proposals for large-scale collective housing. Brazilian specificities. Aspects of the transition from industrial to post-industrial society: new design and construction techniques and new aesthetic paradigms. Study of exemplary models.
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