Architect and Urbanist, UFPB, Brazil (1997)
Master’s in Urbanism (MSc), PROURB-FAU-UFRJ, Brazil (2002)
Doctorate in Urbanism (DSc), PROURB-FAU-UFRJ, Brazil (in progress)
Professor, FAU-UFRJ (2004-2009) & PUC-RIO (since 2005)
Architect and Urbanist, UFPB, Brazil (1997)
Master’s in Urbanism (MSc), PROURB-FAU-UFRJ, Brazil (2002)
Doctorate in Urbanism (DSc), PROURB-FAU-UFRJ, Brazil (in progress)
Professor, FAU-UFRJ (2004-2009) & PUC-RIO (since 2005)
Support in defining the theme to be developed in the final project. Support in research and preparation of the proposal. Conceptualization of the proposal's object, justification, theoretical basis. Definition of the examining board. The proposal must be approved.
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Alder Catunda, Flaviana Raynaud, Celso Rayol, Carlos Eduardo Spencer
Individual work. Planning and development of a project relating to one of the areas of architecture and/or urbanism, or development of research work of a theoretical or experimental nature, under the supervision of a faculty advisor. Presentation and defense of the final project.
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History of gardens and diversity of landscapes. Identification of plant species by family and evaluation of their performance in the conditions found in city parks and gardens. Execution of a landscaping project using all landscaping graphic representation techniques.
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