Architect and Urban Planner, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2008)
Architect and Urban Planner, PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2008)
The course will explore the field of thought on spaces dedicated to art with the aim of training students in the creation and development of various exhibition design projects. Through theoretical reflection, project analysis, visits, and practical experimentation exercises, the course intends to train students in the broad possibilities of architectural practice in various fields and languages related to the arts, such as installations, scenography, exhibition design, and performance spaces.
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Collective Space Project deals with spaces dedicated to the public, within a context that relates people and collective space, and analyzes places of common use such as squares, parks, leisure areas, schools, stadiums, transport stations, meeting rooms shows, cultural spaces, markets, etc. The subject discusses the role of cities as promoters of the occupation of public space as opposed to private space, in addition to the processes of occupation and identity construction that these spaces require in the context of culture.
The subject ARQ 1104 has as its theme, more than collective space, public space. Its main objective is to promote reflection on what distinguishes public architecture from private architecture. To this end, two lines of design exercises are developed: (1) projects with an emphasis on structural systems and construction methods, whose programs have an eminently public profile, as is the case of the Media Library with a public square and spaces for collective coexistence; (2) collective space projects, such as the Dance School. The themes to be explored in the first exercise are: universal accessibility, modulation, reproducibility, flexibility, adaptability, prefabrication and treatment of free areas, and in the second exercise: relationship with the surroundings, verticalization, stacking, cubing, plumb, organization of flows and constructive rationalization.
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Laís Bronstein, Roberio Catelani, Felipe Rio Branco, Adriano Mendonça