Advisor: Ana Luiza Nobre
Dissertation: Where the mud is insurrection”: architecture in coexistence with water in the new climate regime
Defense date: 31/08/2023
The present research seeks, from the key of controlling nature, to contribute to
an imaginary of possibilities for architectures of coexistence with nature. For this,
the dissertation goes through the origin of the creation of the scientific method as a
way of operating in the world and controlling nature for human well-being and
places architecture as a discipline and civil construction as protagonists of the
current climate crisis that is a direct consequence, but not only, in this way of
controlling nature.
To begin the search for an architecture that negotiates with nature, seeking to
live with it, the research is based on the concepts of seasonality elaborated by Hilan
Bensusan and Carlos Mondragon and the habitability defended by Dipesh
Finally, the dissertation approaches two emblematic examples of water control
in the city of Rio de Janeiro with the landfills of Flamengo and the landfills of Maré.
Pointing out the transition of the city that lived closer to its waters until the 19th
century and then began to systematically deny such coexistence. In this process of
denial, some practices of resistance by the population of Maré are presented as
possibilities and guarantee of a minimum contact with water