Advisor: Maria Fernanda Lemos
Dissertation: Vulnerability of the transport system to climate change: An Analysis from urban mobility plans
Defense date: 27/04/2022
Although it is often stated that the transportation system is a socially,
economically important sector that is particularly vulnerable to climate change,
there is still little research on its adaptation. Thus, the object of study of this paper
is the vulnerability and adaptability of the urban transport system to climate
change. The objective is to identify the level of current and potential contribution
of Urban Mobility Plans to reduce the vulnerability of the transport system to
climate change.
The study starts by analyzing the mobility plans of the cities of Belém, São
Luís and Manaus. For this, the methodology follows the guidelines of a qualitative
research, anchored in the bibliographical survey, as well as in the analysis of
documents and journalistic news, analyzed using the content analysis technique.
In summary, it can be highlighted that in the cities analyzed, climate change is not
yet perceived as a problem of local relevance. Even though actions for mitigation
are present in the guidelines of mobility plans, these are not specific to climate
change, being only a standard measure for reducing pollution in cities. And when
it comes to adapting the transportation system to reduce socio-climatic
vulnerability, public policies hardly direct specific actions.