
Masters Dissertations

The importance of public open spaces in adaptation strategies for coastal urban areas subject to flooding in the context of climate change

Autora: Erika Brum Palma Pereira

Advisor: Maria Fernanda Lemos

Dissertation: The importance of public open spaces in adaptation strategies for coastal urban areas subject to flooding in the context of climate change

Defense date: 04/09/2015


This thesis aims to investigate the role of open public in adaptation
coastal areas subject to flooding to the impact of climate change by emphasize the
need to adapt to climate change mainly in coastal areas of low altitude (lecz).
These areas are considered the most vulnerable due to a large concentration of
population, wealth and commercial centers at risk of inland and coastal flooding,
and a high degree of degradation of the natural subsystem because of human
activities and maritime influences. The context of the climate change aggravates
this state of vulnerability by increasing the intensity of rainfall and storms,
average temperature, rising sea level, parallel to rapid population growth forming
coastal megacities. Thus, this thesis aims to contribute to the discussion of
practical solutions to adapt coastal urban areas to the effects of climate change
incorporating public space, as a fundamental aspect of adaptation. Adding to
adapt, can be observed other gains in human well-being and promote
improvement of the urban population quality of life. To support the argument this
thesis uses example of urban designs that utilizes open public spaces as strategies
for adaptation – London, New Orleans, New York, Rotterdam, Cho Hi Minh City,
Jakarta and Melbourne.
