
Masters Dissertations

Perceptions of the intervened architectural space: Impression and expression in the ephemeral installations of Penique Productions.


Advisor: Fernando Espósito Galarce

Dissertation: Perceptions of the intervened architectural space: Impression and expression in the ephemeral installations of Penique Productions.

Defense date: 25/04/2023


The present work is a study space about artistic installations and its study space, intervening on the visualizerbit and its effects on the study relationship on the visualizer. Based on the phenomenological notion of perception, which is built from the sensorial experience with the environment, the research is developed based on the proposal that the intervention space to the public is a shift in the perception of a preexisting architecture, thus generating new possibilities. of interaction between body – of the viewer – space and animated interaction. The
relationship established between the public and the artwork of space eventuality – causes internal processes of feelings reactive to spatial stimuli – and expressions – extemalized physical reactions – to be structured in a subjective way in each. Analyzing as artistic installations by the collective Penique Productions, a research aims to reflect on a sensorial experience, delimited in a space-time space, from an architecture modified by an ephemeral artistic interference, analyzing two of his works. The qualitative method of place is developed by mobilizing authors such as Juhani Pallasmaa, Merleau-Ponty, Norberg-Schulz, Antonio Damasio and Hal Foster, discussing the concepts of space, memory and imagination, matter, tactility and time. A survey of information about the works of Penique Productions was carried out, investigating the compositional elements of the space with their interventions, such as spectators’ reactions to such stimuli, intentional dos, in addition to an interview with Sergi Arbusa, founder of the collective.
