
Masters Dissertations

Dwelling in Candomblé. Roça e Egbé.

Autor: Rafael Vidal Leite Ribeiro

Advisor: João Masao Kamita

Dissertation: Dwelling in Candomblé. Roça e Egbé.

Defense date: 28/04/2023


W3 South Avenue was famous for its local commerce in Brasilia and had great social prominence in the lives of Brasilia residents in the 1960s and 1970s, having been the scene of large marches and festivities. With the development of the city and the emergence of new commercial centers (shopping malls and local commerce adjacent to the superblocks). The Avenue fell into decay and lost its relevance, becoming a degraded Avenue, simultaneously marked by a process of depredation and disuse. Over the years, government and private initiatives have been taken with the aim of revitalizing the region. However, most of them were not implemented or were not effective. This is a bibliographical, documentary research, with field research and case study that aims to list the reasons that led to the decay of the Avenue, diagnose its main problems, and analyze the proposals for existing revitalization projects, with the purpose of understanding how each proposal interferes with the Avenue. From this, the result obtained will include a document, with guidelines and assumptions, which considers important urban concepts related to vitality, diversity of uses, and pedestrian prioritization in relation to car use, with the aim of supporting future intervention projects on the W3 South Avenue. This work does not end with this research, as it is intended to continue its development academically. It is hoped that this research will be a reference in the area, focusing on the revitalization of W3 South Avenue, and, in this way, it will be able to contribute to future work
