
Revista Prumo nº 3 vol 2

Data de publicação: 01/08/2017
Revista Prumo nº 3 vol 2

The third issue of the PRUMO Journal refocuses on the city, broadening its scope to encompass all of South America. It explores various perspectives and scales of South American cities in the contemporary context of urban development. The initial highlight is the book “Ciudades Sudamericanas como Arenas Culturales,” which addresses cultural life in different South American cities. The following articles cover experiences of urban and social transformation in Medellín, Colombia, and projects such as the Library Parks. Participatory processes in Santiago de Chile, self-construction in Valparaíso, the reopening of Praça Mauá in Rio de Janeiro, and mobility proposals for the 2016 Olympic Games are also discussed. Other topics include identity construction in Porto Alegre, tactical urbanism in Rio de Janeiro, new forms of neighborhood in São Paulo, and the relationship between modern architecture and social transformation in Chile. The issue concludes with a review of the book “Guerra dos Lugares” and the presentation of the translation of Stan Allen’s text “Urbanismo Infraestrutural.”

Click here to access the edition.
