Advisor: Marcos Favero
Dissertation: UERJ – Pavilhão João Lyra Filho: Design and construction
Defense date: 26/08/2021
This work is dedicated to an analysis of the design and construction order
of the João Lyra Filho Pavilion, the main building on the Francisco Negrão de Lima
Campus, headquarters of the Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). The
campus, the object of a competition held by the University in 1968, in which the
architects Flávio Marinho Rêgo and Luiz Paulo Conde were the winners, has its
origins in a period of transition of modern Brazilian architecture and expansion of
the structure aimed at higher education in Brazil. During this period, innovative
proposals for campuses that dialogue with the idea of megastructure emerged on
the international scene. Stefan Muthesius, author of the book “The postwar
university: Utopianist campus and college”, published in 2000, recognizes these
campuses as “single structure campus”. This classification refers to campuses such
as UERJ, where the complex university program is concentrated in a single
building, in the case of the University in the João Lyra Filho Pavilion. In these
cases, campus and building are confused in a single structure, making it impossible
for us to dissociate from each other.