Advisor: Marcos Favero
Dissertation: Transport infrastructure, Urbanity vetor: o Corredor Expresso de Onibus (BRT) in Madureira, Rio de Janeiro
Defense date: 16/03/2016
The paradigm shift caused by the demographic and urban explosion of
contemporary cities, confronts the transport infrastructures and, more precisely,
the infrastructural project, with new challenges, because it has to ensure an
efficient urban mobility, in areas constantly expanding. Defined as a set of
technical networks endowed with certain social function, it is observed, however,
that the focus on the system performance optimization configures a series of
objects-fragments, which distances the infrastructural scale from the human scale.
The research proposes to discuss how the technical, economical, but also social
infrastructural transport performance can be developed, assuming that the residual
spaces have great potential to make them urbanity vector. The concept of
infrastructure-architecture that combines network and program in the form of a
single building, is defined in this sense, as an alternative susceptible to participate
in the integration of transport infrastructures in the urban space. The
implementation of the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Transcarioca in Rio de Janeiro,
confronts the city with a spatial, economic and social restructuration, whose
repercussions are particularly evident in the Madureira neighborhood, because it
is one of the largest infrastructural nodes of the transport network. Efficient
transport system on the global scale of the city, acting in favor of urban mobility,
the BRT viaduct is characterized by being an element which doesn’t promote
socio-spatial cohesion. Informal activities which occupy the residual spaces, act
for our research as indicators for the programmatic and typological orientation,
encouraging potentially the urbanity condition of the infrastructure-architecture.