Advisor: Marcos Favero
Dissertation: Tectonic and Silence: in Azuma House, Bruder Klaus Chapel and Brazilian Museum of Sculpture _MuBE – SP
Defense date: 25/08/2022
There are several ways to conceive and perceive architecture, among many,
however, it is believed that certain works denote silence, phenomenal manifestation
that provides a certain empathic mobilization. Since architecture is an art that
involves issues related to the material space in which man lives, the aim is to
understand what makes a constructed work become essentially characterized by
silence and what is necessary, in material terms, for this to happen. Therefore, this
research is based on the concept of tectonics which, according to Frampton (1995,
1998), is one of the essential dimensions of architecture referring to constructive
poetics. Thus, in addition to the discussion related to the concept of tectonics as a
theoretical-methodological reference, the term silence, an idea intrinsic to the
research, is mobilized, with the objective of analyzing certain architectural
expressions that allow its emergence, synesthetically perceivable in architecture.
Thus, three projects were selected for analysis: the Azuma House, the Bruder Klaus
Chapel and the Brazilian Museum of Sculpture – MuBE; works where silence is in
evidence, proving that, even though noise has always existed, it is possible to
experience silence through architecture.