
Masters Dissertations

STRUCTURE- FORM: Tectonic expression matrix of MAM-Rio, FAU-USP and Catedral de Brasília


Advisor: Marcos Favero 

Dissertation: STRUCTURE- FORM: Tectonic expression matrix of MAM-Rio, FAU-USP and Catedral de Brasília

Defense date: 28/05/2018


Structure-form, as matrix of tectonic expression, is a concept formulated in
this research from a transdisciplinary perspective. By means of association between
architectural and structural engineering knowledges, the study was undertaken with
the purpose of formulating analytical propositions that could reveal the design
precepts that, in certain buildings, highlight the structure in their architecture. The
first part of the research consists of a theoretical approach to the structure-form
concept, contextualized by Architecture and Structural Engineering historical
development, as of the rupture between their application fields from the eighteenth
century onwards. The Museum of Modern Art of Rio de Janeiro (MAM-Rio), the
Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Sao Paulo (FAU-USP)
and the Brasilia Cathedral, were analysed according to the transdisciplinary
categories proposed, in coherence to the approach of this research. Througout the
work it was possible to confirm that the conceptual investigation, proposed in the
first part of the research, turned out to be consistent as a theoretical basis to the
analysis developed in the second part, in which the structure-form concept,
deployed as a tenet in the design process, showed up not only evident but as their
tectonic expression matrix as well. In addition to confirming expectations, the
research broadened the field of investigation concerning Modern Architecture, and,
possibly, Contemporary Architecture as well.
