Advisor: Elisa Sotelino
Dissertation: Pre-project for housing rehabilitation: an approach based on fuzzy logic in a BIM environment
Defense date: 26/03/2021
The vacant buildings in Brazil can contribute to reduce the housing deficit
when converted to social housing, even if their previous use is not residential. The
conversion of these buildings into social housing can present different levels of
difficulty. In this sense, a methodology is necessary to create an order of
intervention. However, there are several variables of urbanism, architecture and
engineering that need to be evaluated in order to choose a building to be converted.
At the beginning of the process, these analyzes are challenging, due to the
subjectivity and the scarcity of information at this stage. In this context, and
considering the solutions found in the Systematic Literature Review, this reaserch
work proposes a methodology based on a parametric model, which contributes to
anticipate the analyzes, associated with Fuzzy Logic, which helps in the treatment
of subjectivity, and with the multicriteria method TOPSIS, which makes the pre-
selection process more efficient. A Process Map that proposes a new workflow was
developed, relating studies of environmental comfort, location and direct cost with
the state of conservation. The proposed map was applied to three case studies in the
city of Rio de Janeiro. In order to validate the results and the criteria used, eleven
structured interviews were carried out with architects experienced in housing
rehabilitation projects. The results obtained in the interviews indicate that the
proposed method supports the choice of the building, reducing its subjectivity.
Furthermore, it facilitates the understanding, by inexperienced professionals, of the
different analyzes that need to be carried out for a more rational choice.