
Masters Dissertations

In-Between Walls, Rests and Holes: wanderings as actualizing practice in the wall dispositif of railway branch Santa Cruz – Rio de Janeiro.


Advisor: Marcos Favero 

Dissertation: In-Between Walls, Rests and Holes: wanderings as actualizing practice in the wall dispositif of railway branch Santa Cruz – Rio de Janeiro.

Defense date: 30/08/2018


The research “In-Between Walls, Rests and Holes” seeks to discuss the
actualization in the wall dispositif of the Santa Cruz railway branch in Rio de
Janeiro through the realization of urban wanderings. The work starts from certain
invisibility of this urban dispositif, understanding it as a result of its historical
process of stratification. The practice of wanderings emerges as a possible way of
actualizing this dispositif, inasmuch as it constitutes a body experience of alterity
and therefore acts in a specific aesthetical condition, an “In-Between” condition.
Untangling this dispositif through three lines of relationships established in this
research – Walls, Rests and Holes -, this work discusses which modes of
operation can conceptually and empirically drag them from their stratifications to
their actualizations. Thus, narratives of the experiences will be developed as
affective writings of wanderings carried out along three parts of the Santa Cruz
railway branch: Engenho de Dentro, Engenho Novo and Encantado. These
narratives, expose Walls, Rests and Holes unfolding reflections to the aesthetical
and critical potenciality of the wanderings to the discussion about urban
dispositifs and “In-Between” conditions in the contemporary city.
