
Masters Dissertations

Dwelling beyond housing: daily practices in the areas of common use at Ismael Silva – Ze Keti housing development of Minha Casa Minha Vida Program


Advisor: Maira Martins

Dissertation: Dwelling beyond housing: daily practices in the areas of common use at Ismael Silva – Ze Keti housing development of Minha Casa Minha Vida Program

Defense date: 22/03/2019


This research aims to contribute to the discussion of the importance of the
relationship between the residents and the collective and public spaces of housing
estates as an essential aspect for the stability, permanence and quality of life of its
inhabitants. In this work, I intend to develop the discussion about the relationship
between the dwelling and the appropriation of space, having as a case study the
Conjunto Ismael Silva – Ze Keti of the Minha Casa Minha Vida (PMCMV)
Program. The objective of this research is to investigate the extent to which the
layout of buildings and urban insertion contribute to the relationship between their
residents and the private, collective and public spaces of this group. In other
words, I try to understand how the constructed form can influence the relationship
we have with the environment in which we live through this case study. The
relationship we have with the environment in which we live is reciprocal: in the
same way that we shape the places, we are also molded by them. In this sense, this
research is oriented mainly by the concepts of dwelling, which consists of the
basic way in which we relate to the world, and the appropriation of space, which
goes beyond simple use and creates bonds of belonging and identity between
people and the place. Both concepts are approached by different fields of
knowledge. The dwelling arises in philosophy, as subject of studies of Martin
Heidegger and Gaston Bachelard, influencing authors of the field of the
architecture like Christian Norberg-Schulz and Juhani Pallasmaa. The concept of
appropriation of space is approached by authors such as Herman Hertzberger
(architecture), Enric Pol (environmental psychology), Marco Mello and Arno
Vogel (anthropology and sociology). The set Ismael Silva – Zé Keti, destined to
the 1st track of the PMCMV, was inaugurated in 2014 and built in place of the
Frei Caneca Penitentiary Complex, in the Estacio neighborhood. What propitiated

the choice of this set as a case study were some particularities in relation to other
projects of the My House My Life Program with regard to morphology, urban
insertion and forms of appropriation of space. From these particularities derive
four specific objectives of this research. The first one is to identify that other
ways, in addition to the adaptation of part of the apartments in commercial
activity, the residents of this development find to maintain old habits and ways of
appropriating the spaces in this new place of dwelling. The second is to
investigate whether in this set there is in fact an isolation, physical or social, in
relation to the place where it was built. Considering that in addition to the
differences, there are also typical aspects of PMCM ventures, the third specific
objective of this research is to understand the architectonic and urban aspects of
this Program within the scope of housing policies that precede it. Finally, I also
investigate the context and the reasons that guided the differentiated conception of
Ismael Silva – Zé Keti.
