
Workshop: Forest Cabin

01 Jul 2024 – 09 Jul 2024

Elective course, worth two credits, in workshop format to be held from June 28th to July 8th, under the guidance of professors Marcos Favero (LAIT) and Fernando Esposito (LObEHab), and master’s student Marcos Vinicius from the Graduate Program in Architecture – PPGArq.

Validation of participation in the workshop will be confirmed through enrollment in the elective course ARQ1321 (2 credits), to be listed in the academic schedule for 2024.2, or as a complementary activity.

The Forest Cabin Workshop aims to design and construct, on a reduced scale, a new structure for the parking booth located in the campus forest at PUC-Rio, using a practical-reflexive approach. This includes digital modeling software and CAD/CAM tools: CNC Router and laser cutter. The course aims to develop architectural design skills through a dialogue between practical craftsmanship and digital methods. The intention is to create a theoretical-practical framework that provides autonomy in design practice, from ideation through sketches and study models to digital modeling and prototyping.

Requests for enrollment should be sent to between June 24th and 28th, 2024, with the subject line “WS_Forest Cabin.” Please include full name and student ID in the email body.

There are 15 spots exclusively for DAU students and 5 spots available for students from any course.
