As part of the “Galpão das Artes Espaço Aberto Rocinha” project, developed by the Architecture and Urbanism Model Office (EMAU/DAU) in partnership with the Instituto Espaço Aberto Arte, Cultura & Cidadania and the Graduate Program in Architecture (PPGArq/DAU), we invite you to:
Visit to Galpão Bela Maré (Nova Holanda, Complexo da Maré) on March 14th at 2:45 PM.
The Galpão Bela Maré project is authored by Prof. Pedro Évora (DAU PUC-Rio).
There will be 2 meeting points: (1) Passarela da Cidade Nova, before the metro gate at 2:00 PM; (2) Galpão Bela Maré – Rua Bitencourt Sampaio – Maré, Rio de Janeiro (between passarela 9 and 10) at 2:45 PM.
Organizer: Architect Hans Richter (PPGArq/DAU) tel. (21) 98 300 3785.