Lecture: September 14, 2020 – September 14, 2020
The Department of Architecture and Urbanism at PUC-Rio invites everyone to the Inaugural Lecture of the year 2020, which will be given by Preto Zezé, Global President of the Central Única das Favelas
Event Details:
- Lecture Title: Favela: The Power of Invisible Brazil
- Date: Monday, September 14, 2020
- Time: 3:00 PM
- Live Stream: DAU PUC-Rio YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/daupucrio
About Preto Zezé:
Preto Zezé is a former car washer on the streets of Fortaleza, the global president of CUFA – Central Única das Favelas, an entrepreneur, cultural producer, reporter for the Talents of the Community segment on TV Verdes Mares (a Globo TV affiliate in Ceará), and an author of the books “A Selva da Pedra: a Fortaleza Noiada” (2014) and “Das Quadras Para o Mundo” (2019). He is a consultant for opportunity plans for governments and companies, CEO and founder of Lis – Social Innovation Laboratory, and an activist for a positive agenda in favelas to transform stigma into charisma and challenges into opportunities. He is a specialist in planning and common agendas, a Master in survival on the courts, a Doctor on the streets of Brazil, and a Post-Doctor in connecting potentials and sharing opportunities.