

The Graduate Program in Architecture invites everyone to the lecture "The limits of capital and the right to the city", by the British geographer David Harvey, one of the brightest thinkers and active in the contemporary discussion on urban issues that directly involve the architecture.
The event was organized by the Deanship of the Center for Theology and Humanities, the Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and the Graduate Program in Architecture at PUC -Rio, in partnership with the publisher Boitempo .

The lecture will take place on Saturday, April 23 at 11 am at Teatro Rival, in Cinelândia. On occasion the, there will also be the launch of two books: "The limits of capital", considered the most important work of Harvey, and " Rebel cities: Free pass and demonstrations took to the streets of Brazil", a collection that includes an article by the author on the right to the city .
The event is open to all interested parties, but seats are limited, according to the capacity of the auditorium .

Reservations must be made ​​in advance by email, sending full name and phone to the e-mail ieah@puc-rio.br

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