

The Graduate Program in Architecture and the undergraduate Program in Architecture and Urbanism at PUC-Rio have the pleasure to invite for the lecture series 'Uncertain Limits', which takes place from April through October 2014 and is organised by Professors Ana Luiza Nobre e Antonio Sena.

The aim is to discuss the disciplinary boundaries of architecture and explore concepts that are central to contemporary architecture from questions posed by thinkers in related areas (Art, History, Literature, Philosophy and Physics).

The literary critic Flora Sussekind (Literature, UNIRIO) opens the series on April 14th (Monday) discussing the concept of Criticism, and will followed by:

Ronaldo Brito (History, PUC-Rio) - Topology (May 7th)

Pedro Duarte (Philosophy, PUC-Rio) - Contemporaneity (May 21st)

Mario Novello (Physics, ICRA CBPF) - Infinite (August 20th)

Ricardo Basbaum (Arts, UERJ) - Diagram (September 17th)

Marcelo Jasmin (History, PUC-Rio) - Future (October 22nd)

All lectures will take place in the RDC Auditorium (Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 225, Gávea) on the dates indicated above and are open to everyone.

Each lecture is marked in the calendar of events in CAU's website. Details on every event can be checked in: http://www.cau.puc-rio.br/eventos

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