
Guelba Paiva former DAU-PUC-Rio student wins Archiprix 2019

Guelba Paiva, a former student of DAU-PUC-Rio, is one of the winners of the Archiprix International / Hunter Douglas Awards 2019. The Awards Ceremony took place on Friday night in Santiago, Chile.

The work of Guelba, with profs. Marcos Favero and Pierre Martin advising was one of the seven selected by an international jury, among 321 graduation projects of architecture, urbanism and landscaping submitted.

With the title "Infrastructure Landscape and Ecosystem Regeneration", the paper discusses the natural condition of the Caatinga, more specifically, the municipality of Santa Quiteria, Ceará. The objective was to create a project capable of understanding the nature of the environment and promoting a better living condition for the local population.

According to the jury's opinion, "The project is complete and totally feasible and is not meant to convince customers, but for the benefit of locals." Congratulations to Guelba for the well-deserved award! Be the beginning of a career of many successes!

Congratulations also to professors Marcos Favero and Pierre Martin.

# archiprix_int_2019

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