

06.14.17 to 06.16.17
Surfaces of Contact

The "Contact Surfaces" workshop was a two-semester collaboration between Professors Bernhard Franken and Gabi Schillig at the Peter Behrens School of Arts at the University of Düsseldorf and Professor Verônica Natividade at DAU / PUC-Rio. The intense work was done in two workshops: First - Intra Muros, held between 14 and 18 November in Düsseldorf and later from May 29 and June 2 - Extra Muros, held at PUC-Rio.
The atelier's proposal was to work with the concept of "skin" that is not limited to the body, but which can be applied to tectonic strategies ranging from the object scale to the urban scale. The course set out to discuss the relation of the skin as a contact surface in the connection between the body / building object / urban space, seeking to identify its performative and mediation potentialities in order to generate personal, social and cultural spaces. The students explored various artistic, architectural and urban strategies, where the notion of skin assumes the ambivalent boundary meaning that it creates transitions rather than stiff boundaries between the spaces it forms. The classes focused specifically on Brazilian artists whose work deal with the notion of body and skin, involving their potential to create tactile and multisensorial spaces of communication. As part of the workshop, students also visited the studios of Brazilian artists Maria Nepomuceno and Ernesto Neto.
The closing of the workshop happened on June 1, with a talk by the plastic artist and former student of the DAD / PUC-Rio, Muti Randolph and the opening of the students work exhibition.

Date: 06.14.17 to 06.16.17
Time: 08:00 to 22:00
Place: PUC-Rio

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