
Round Table

Roundtable debate and Ebook launch - Sergio Bernardes: doutrina de uma civilização tropical

The Department of Architecture and Urbanism (DAU) of PUC-Rio, with the support of NIMA (Interdisciplinary Nucleus of the Environment) will hold, next Tuesday, April 25, at 7:00 pm, in The Auditório Professor Carlos Alberto Del Castilho at RDC building, the e-book launch and roundtable conference "Sergio Bernardes: doctrine of a tropical civilization", by the geographer and director of NIMA / PUC-Rio, Luiz Felipe Guanaes Rego, stepson of the architect.

The debate will be attended by the author and also by the producer of the documentary "Bernardes", Thiago Bernardes, grandson of Sérgio. The two will talk about the ideas and personality of Sergio Bernardes. The book together with the documentary represents an affective and technical rescue, which includes both the fantastic geopolitical creative journeys - as well as some of Sergio's main works - and the documents that portray the character of Sergio Bernardes, an architect who shaped his life from Concepts such as "man is a binomial solitude and curiosity".

Link to access the e-book from Editora PUC-Rio

Date: 04.25.17
Time: 19:00 to 22:00
Place: Auditório Professor Carlos Alberto Del Castilho no RDC

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